Trump/Kushner family of leeches.

When COVID19 is under control, there should be a major investigation into both families. profiteering off of pandemic.

Benghazi style!

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I'm tired of Jared "fixing" things!

Infrastructure - FAILED

Opioid crisis - FAILED

Criminal justice reform - FAILED

Peace in Middle East - FAILED

COVID-19 response - FAILED

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Don't forget he was also in charge of US trade with China –– another huge failure.

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It wasn't Jared's job to fix any of those things. There hasn't been peace in the Middle east ever.

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You cite 1 item, from an entire list he bungled?

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There is no bottom to the corruption of this White House. Great investigative article, thanks Amee.

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KUSHNERS & TRUMPS ARE ALL FUCKING CROOKS!! Keep up the great investigative journalism!!!

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There is no bottom to their grifting. It's all they know; it's how they live. They probably almost had heart attacks in November of 2016 when they found out they would be handed (Putin & Electoral College) the biggest grifting enterprise ever - our White House and the Office of the Presidency. I'm just looking forward to the glorious day when we kick their butts out of DC and our beloved White House. Be careful out there everyone!

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Amee, very well-done piece of investigative journalism. Thank you for taking the time to show just how corrupt Trump and his Crime Family are. I look forward to your next article!

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They are like an infestation of bed bugs. Just when one thinks they have been squashed more pour in. Give them a few more years and Barron will be ruling.

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To me, this is saying Trump held off on preventive measures at the expense of American lives so that there'd be time for Covid19 to spread, increasing profits for these companies AND his son-n-law. I'm I reading this wrong?

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Love the title! The article is very eye-opening.

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And none of it is true.

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Got any information that will disprove the article?

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Snopes says that the claim that we were offered and refused a test from WHO is false. I posted the link below.

It is true we developed our own test but so did many countries. The WHO never offered their test to the U.S. There would also have been no reason to think this test that was developed in China would be reliable. Had had trusted an faulty test instead of moving ahead with our own, many more would have died.

Neither the Kushners nor the Trumps are making money on this crisis. The crisis is killing the stock market and every business is being harmed by it. The Kushners will lose millions and Trump's net worth will be greatly harmed.

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If WHO didn't formally offer the VOCID19 test, why didn't the stable genius request it, to get ahead of the spread? And the US's first test made here WAS faulty, losing precious time. Trump IS making money, from pressuring the Fed to reduce interest rates to 0%. Guess who has a ton of outstanding loans that just got reduced exponentially? Yep, Spanky McBoneSpurs. Plus, he wants a bailout for the travel industry, which will include HIS hotels! Spare me the FAKE defense of a guilty criminal, and his spawn.

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No one is making money. Every stimulus that the government does will inflate all of our money any make it worth less. No one escapes that.

As I said most countries preferred to make their own test and that's what the CDC thought was best. No president would overrule the experts at the CDC. There was also no reason to believe the Chinese test could be trusted.

Any bailout will be only a small % of what they lose.

I'm not a Trump fan and I didn't vote for him, but we will have a much better result with this virus than any other country has had because we have the best healthcare system and the most innovative medical. industry in the world.

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Singapore has had the most effective containment of the COVID19 spread, and they treated it as a health crisis from the outset. Trump did not. We lost 2 months we could have used to get ahead of this, and he did nothing. He didn't want testing –– he wanted to pretend US case numbers were low, so it didn't spook the stock market. He's the ECONOMY president, and acknowledging coronavirus had breeched our shores would hurt his re-election campaign. And our healthcare system is now stretched far beyond its capabilities. Not enough ventilators, masks, gowns; all things POTUS could have ramped up ahead of time. And he STILL plans to wait until he sees a need. He is BLIND to Americans' needs.

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The link you gave refutes your contention that more people would have died if we used the WHO test. Trump's do-nothing approach, and then when he relented, the US useing its own faulty testing –– is what really caused more deaths, than if we had bought the WHO tests. "The first case of COVID-19 was reported in the U.S. in Washington state in late January 2020. Around that same time, officials in China quarantined Wuhan, the city where the disease was initially detected. By the end of January, the WHO deemed the new virus a global health emergency.

Nevertheless, the U.S. was still in the early stages of rolling out testing for the disease weeks after its first case was reported, resulting in something of a SCANDAL, as cases that could be confirmed multiplied.

According to news reports, diagnostic tests developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were sent out by early February 2020 to public health labs in the U.S. Days later, however, labs were reporting back that the tests weren’t working due to a manufacturing defect."

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You're delusional.

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Oscar Health insurance was introduced on ACA marketplace in 2017, it was the only option available with ACA, yet had very few participating doctors or health facilities and outrageous deductions.. it was predatory lending and should have been removed for the marketplace as such. I filed complaint to HHS but received no response.. I had also learned that this was a Kushner family " enterprise" but didnt realize the depth of their investors until this article..

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Meant the only offer in TN in 2017

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I read last week that trump and/or friends had stock in Thermo Fisher Scientifics, even though he was supposed to have sold off all his stocks.

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There is no requirement to sell stocks. Normally they are put in a blind trust.

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But HE NEVER DID THAT! He lied and said he would, during the campaign.

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Corrupt nepotism is now an accepted reality embraced by the trump administration, the republican party & many publications led by Fox News.

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Trump to profit ftom a pandemic?? No way?? Him and his daughter sold 5G blatantly to every corner of this nation, knowing the harming effects this can cause on Americans. "Oh but don't forget to vote this prick again!" Please "Make America Great" :(

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Despite all the pandemic rhetoric, I have Oscar insurance because it was practically the ONLY company offering plans to individuals in TX. As far as insurance goes, I've actually never been happier with my insurance provider. I really hope they don't mess it up, forcing everyone under their policy to start from square one, again.

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No doubt that as soon as you file a claim you will see that your coverage and premiums will change. They are about making money not losing nor "delivering". They are about collecting premiums not paying claims. Good luck!

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I doubt it. I had Oscar & foolishly paid them $1200/month! Plus we had a &16000 deductible. They didn't pay for shit. I'm still paying for a surgery I had - over $2500 for the surgicenter & another $800 to the Surgeon.

Absolutely TERRIBLE "insurance" company! Just what I'd expect from corrupt liars, & grifters like Dump & the Kushners.

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Great insightful piece Mrs Avanderpool. This confirms what most Americans already suspect., lack of leadership, not to mention morals!

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Consequently, the US could have asked WHO for some tests and used them to create their own tests "correctly." If you say "we can make our own tests" and then fuck it up in a pandemic it's called incompetence. Also, Obama's transition team spent three hours with Trump's transition team to explain how to be prepared for a pandemic (which they told them would be a probability.) Trump's people barely paid attention and threw away all the binders and information and fired the pandemic team - INCOMPETENCE at the highest level. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/16/trump-inauguration-warning-scenario-pandemic-132797

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