Ian Sirotajust now

This is something that I have been saying all along: He is the worst, most corrupt person to ever reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue (and yes, I know that Tricky Dick once lived there), and even that doesn’t bother his brainwashed supporters one bit. As you noted, he doesn’t even bother to hide the corruption any longer, because no one can or will call him on it.

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Excellent article, Amee. I will say that early on I was suspecting this would be one of the ways he would destroy the structure of our democracy. You could see from the start he was under-funding and under-staffing agencies to take away all their power and ultimate role in keeping the executive in check. And even though it seems like there is a never end slew of lawsuits that await him when he is voted out, let's be honest, he might choose not to leave. This is my biggest fear, along with watching our country collapse from within.

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What I don´t get is that all this info doesn't land with the Trump supporters? He still has an approval rating hovering about 40%.

A self-proclaimed “Wartime President” playing golf in times of war while making money doing it? This should be unacceptable by any standard. This could never ever happen in Holland nor Spain. Therefore it´s incomprehensible to me that this form of blatant corruption can´t be communicated to “the other side of the aisle”?

Maybe I´m an ignorant European, many Americans have pointed that out to me, but the way I see it there´s something well wrong with a lot of systems in your country. Since democrats have also been in power throughout the decades but nothing has changed, I guess both generic parties accept it because they prolly perceive more personal gains in the system as it is.

I sincerely hope you´ll be able to change “some” things this time around, but I fear the worst ☹

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