If there is a buck to be made, he'll do it. He doesn't care that people are dying. He is a sick SOB. I really can't deal with him anymore. He has proven he has free reign. I am mentally drained, physically exhausted, nothing he does surprises me! He is our worst nightmare come to life!

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So Mr. "I don't believe in science" believes enough to profit

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Pat Jones ( below) wrote what we all think as well as anyone could express it. He is a sick SOB and is both morally and ethically bankrupt.

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I live in NY, before this Moron entered the WH, it was widely known what a narcissistic, thief he was/is. I personally know 2 contractors that lost their businesses due to his games of claiming bankruptcy to avoid paying contractors. This doesn’t surprise me at all. The World Health Organization offered the US tests, and Moron refused, that’s when I knew he was somehow profiting off of this. We have tested about 5-6000 people ONLY & have over 1500 cases. If you do the math, we are looking at a minimum of 90 million people being infected. I went to the White House site & wrote to Moron, letting him know that he is solely responsible for the virus spreading due to lack of response for fear of the market crashing & his re-election. Wish everyone would write to him so he’s bombarded with all of us concerned Americans that realize how serious this is. Look at Italy, we are on the same projectile but worse because we still haven’t tested. South Korea is testing 10,000 a day, we haven’t even tested 10,000 people total. I have an underlying health condition & both my parents are in their mid 80’s & one is currently under hospice care. I am very worried about my parents & cannot even visit them because I have the flu right now. Have a doc appt tomorrow, but was already told, that if the virus is suspected, I will not be able to be tested. We are going to end up losing so many people to this virus all because of Moron not doing what he is supposed to, put the American public first. If we have elections in November, I truly hope this will be the end of his “reign”!

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DMau, I am so sorry for what you are going through. I have never hated someone so bad as I do this trump idiot. This may make me a horrible person, but I sincerely hope he has COVID-19 and succumbs to it. He is beyond narcissistic, something is wrong with him. The people that voted for him (and don’t regret it) and the people that enable him including WH administration are to blame and they are dangerous to this country. I’m not that religious, but I do believe God might have a hand in this. I am willing to die for this country to get this scum out of everyone’s life. Hopefully the people that have died and will die feel the same way. I feel for those who have died and their families at the hands of this devil. All the best friend. Hang tight.

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Same to you! I am disabled, so spend most of my time @ home but my BFF has a black car service & has made several trips to JFK & my Son’s GF is a Nurse, working on the respiratory ward of one of the biggest hospitals in our area - we live on the same property & have stopped going to each other’s homes for safety reasons. My Son believes it’s not if but when we get it. I feel the same about Moron, as you. It’s going to take him getting this for any of his cult to finally wake up. I’m nervous, but doing best not to panic. Easier said than done when you have generalized anxiety. Be safe, everyone! It’s truly up to us, we are on our own with this administration. Wishing all the best...💙

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Yep. GAD here too. I’ve been shaky for two days. But it’s mostly from anger...and the horrible thoughts I’m having..I’ve never had this much animosity towards a human.

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Anyone with a brain and a computer could find out that the flu or crown virus can be prevented and dealt with by taking therapeutic doses of vitamin C. Is it also Trump's fault that you are not smart enough? You're a leftist fool , so, of course, it is...everything is Trump's fault. God help us, please break all the TVs and take down the cables! Our only chance at surviving the fools.

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Well shit. Countries were closed, Disney, Tom Hanks, people dying, NBA, cancelled concerts, shutting schools, spreading like wild fire. And all this time we could have stopped it with vitamin C.

Can you call CDC, WHO, or trump about this?

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Vitamin c it's so simple. I'm surprised trump hasn't tweeted it.

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Wow! And the whole world has been hit with this virus and all they had to do was ask u what should be done...

Vitamin C...smh

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Coronavirus's, all of them mind you, are completely unaffected by vitamin intake... It's a virus...vitamins do absolutely nothing. In this case all loaded up presumably with vitamins they didn't even allow you to tell us what a 'Crown' virus even is...

But look at you, you're now a virologist and an epidemiologist advising the world about vitamins and their effect on viral infection when the entire world's authorities on the matter seem to have missed your nuggets of wisdom...

Now why is that do you think? Would it be perhaps because you are both wrong...and also guilty of spreading dangerous misinformation perhaps? That talking from ones backside is now just as important as studying virus we s for several decades perhaps?

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Vitamins absolutely are a MAJOR factor in stopping viral infections! Are you blinded by your hatred that bad?! Vitamin d3 is another good vitamin to take that helps the body deal with viral infections.

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It's quack science that was long ago established as quackary, quackary of the most pernicious kind. People continue to spread quackism of all types because they harbor a strange affectation to be heard for "something of importance", fighting especially hard in the face of adversity and digging in to promote it. "Till death do us part" right?, right! And gun control was established in Australia after the government faked a mass shooting. Right.

How Linus Pauling duped America into believing vitamin C cures colds.

You wake up with a stuffy nose and your first reaction might be to down a glass of orange juice. Don't bother: everything we know about research shows that mega-doses of vitamin C are absolutely, positively useless at fighting colds. All that extra orange juice will do nothing to shorten your sniffles.

This leads to the question: how did America get sold on a massive vitamin C myth? Is it vitamin manufacturers, trying to get us to purchase more pills? Has the orange industry tried to dupe us Part of it has to do with the fact that vitamin C is rarely harmful, so there's been little impetus to intervene.

"There’s a lot of misinformation out there on vitamin C because it’s safe," says Heather Mangieri, a nutritionist working with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

And part of it traces back to one famous scientist, Linus Pauling, who came to believe that vitamin C could be a cure-all for numerous ailments — and, while he's no longer alive, he's still duping millions of people.

Half of all Americans take vitamin supplements on a regular basis. They don't tend to hurt, but many nutritionists say they really don't help, either. Neither do mega-levels of vitamin C, even though supplements like Emergen-C are many people's go-to's when cold and flu season hits. Here's how scientists discovered vitamin C, where the misconceptions about it came from, and what it's actually good for.

For a long time, people didn't know about vitamin C. They did know about scurvy, which we now know as an extreme vitamin C deficiency. Sailors on long voyages were short on fruits and veggies, which left them with scurvy. They suffered from swollen extremities and painfully inflamed gums. Today, scurvy is rare in developed countries. To get scurvy, a person's vitamin C intake would have to be under 10 mg a day — well below the recommended daily amount — for many weeks. But back then, it was a huge problem that's estimated to have killed two million sailors between 1500 and 1800.

Scientist James Lind conducted a trial in 1747 treating sailors with scurvy in different ways. He found that the only effective treatment of those he'd tested was oranges and lemons. It wasn't until the 20th century that scientists would figure out what it was in those fruits that was doing the trick. In 1928, Albert Szent-Gyorgi, a scientist working at the University of Szeged in Hungary, isolated a substance found in the adrenal glands and named it hexuronic acid. In 1931, two American biochemists, J.L. Svirbely and Charles Glen King, found that the crystalline vitamin C in lemon juice matched the properties of hexuronic acid.

Their discoveries led one scientist, Linus Pauling, to dig deeper. Pauling is the only person to ever win two unshared Nobel prizes.

In 1949, Pauling and his team studying sickle cell anemia established it as a genetic disease. And he was also, arguably, the person most responsible for the great vitamin C myth.

During a talk in 1960, Pauling mentioned he hoped he could live another 25 years to keep following the exciting discoveries in science. A man in the audience, Irwin Stone, would change the course of Pauling’s career. In a letter to Pauling, Stone recommended he take 3,000 mg of vitamin C each day to live longer. Pauling said he began to feel "livelier and healthier" after taking Stone's advice. "In particular, the severe colds I had suffered several times a year all my life no longer occurred."

Over the next few years, Pauling upped his intake of vitamin C, eventually taking 18,000 mg per day. Vitamin C became his scientific obsession.

In 1970, Pauling came out with his book Vitamin C and the Common Cold, where he encouraged Americans to consume 3,000 mg of vitamin C daily.

"Unfortunately, many laymen are going to believe the ideas that the author is selling," Franklin Bing wrote in a scathing review of the "irritating" book in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Bing was right.

For example, a January 1971 article from Oregon newspaper The Bulletin reported that local sales of the nutrient were soaring. "Area stores report vitamin C sales up 10 times that of last year since the first publicity over Dr. Linus Pauling's book "Vitamin C and the Common Cold" came out in September."

It continues, "Pharmacist Bob Gabriel reported that people are not only buying more vitamin C, but are asking for it in higher dosages because of Dr. Pauling's assertions. Before 100 mg. tablets were the common purchase. Now 250 and 500 mg. sizes are the first to go."

Pauling became a vitamin C acolyte. He said it would make the common cold disappear completely off the face of the earth. He said vitamins and nutritional supplements could cure everything from retinal detachment to snakebites to the virus that causes AIDS.

And his methods weren't exactly conventional. One time, he tested megadoses of vitamin C on schoolchildren at a skiing camp in the Swiss Alps and said they saw a big decrease in colds and the lengths of colds. But other scientists said that those results might not translate to the general population.

Pauling fought critics for the rest of his life. In a 1990 interview — four years before his death — Pauling said that people who take vitamin C and other supplements in the "optimum amounts" would live 25 to 35 years longer. "More than that," he said, "they will be free of diseases."

The high doses don't work: Vitamin C, meanwhile, began to say the exact opposite: scientists were repeatedly finding that colds progress much the same way regardless of whether you down a giant jug of Tropicana or not. A Cochrane review of nearly 30 studies looking at people with colds taking the normal daily dose of vitamin C found that it reduced colds’ length by 8 percent.

This means if your cold lasts five days, it might be shortened by about 10 hours. "The idea that it'll do much of anything for our colds is a stubbornly persistent myth"

Researchers have also poured a lot of effort into examining whether vitamin C supplements lower the risk of cancer. But evidence from clinical trials, by and large, shows that vitamin C supplements (usually taken with other nutrients like vitamin E and zinc) have no such effect. The same problem cropped up when researchers tried to establish a connection between vitamin C and pneumonia.

"Lots of people have tried to feed high levels of a single nutrient like vitamin C and look at anything from cardiovascular disease to cancer to cataracts, and most of those trials have been very disappointing," says Dr. John Erdman, a nutrition researcher who sat on the panel that decides daily recommended intakes of vitamins.

But people take them anyway, vitamins and supplements are a billion-dollar industry.Mega-doses even come with some risks. The National Institutes of Health says people shouldn't take more than 2,000 mg per day. Anything higher than that, and you're looking at possible stomach cramps, nausea, and diarrhea. In one study, Swedish researchers found that men taking vitamin C were twice as likely to develop kidney stones as their peers who happened to not be taking the vitamins.

So why, if we can usually get all the vitamin C we need from their food, do we buy all these extra vitamin C supplements? The idea that it'll do much of anything for our colds is a stubbornly persistent myth, and one that's perpetuated by supplement companies themselves.

"When the vitamin industry has an opportunity to broadcast news, distribute literature, anything else, it takes that opportunity," says Dr. Stephen Barrett, a retired psychiatrist of the accountability site Quackwatch.org.

So somehow we've ended up with 20-plus flavors of Emergen-C, which its site assures will boost the immune system and enhance energy, a statement their site notes has not been regulated by the FDA. There's still a massive market for products like Emergen-C. In 2012, Euromonitor International reported the vitamin and supplement industry topped $23 billion in consumer spending. —- https://www.vox.com/2015/1/15/7547741/vitamin-c-myth-pauling

Stop spreading mis-information. Vitamin C does not affect the course of viral disease, leave this to virologists they're doing good work.

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The guy's corruption keeps reaching lower and lower levels. I keep thinking there must be a point at which even the most ardent acolyte will say "ok, that's enough." Meanwhile, Mitt "47%" Romney, who famously became some sort of a hero for voting in favor of convicting Trump, just voted in the Senate HS committee in favor of proceeding with an investigation of Hunter Biden. If there is a Nuremberg 2.0, that will be a big ass trial.

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MAGAs will NEVER say, “ok, that’s enough”. The impeached orange blob has that 5th Avenue thing on his side.

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Also, can anyone explain why, after the World Health Organization shipped test kits to nearly 60 countries, the White House coronavirus taskforce chaired by Vice President Mike Pence, refused the WHO tests to focus on producing an American test?

“Please provide an explanation for why the Covid-19 diagnostic test approved by the World Health Organization was not used,” Sen. Patty Murray, the ranking Democrat on the Senate health committee, who represents the hard-hit state of Washington, asked in a 3½-page letter on the testing fiasco. '

Meanwhile Oscar Health Insurance is being pushed as a front runner for guiding potentially coronavirus infected citizens to testing facilities using their "new locator tool that is based off of information collected directly from Oscar's provider partners."

Oscar Health Insurance was cofounded by Mario Schlosser, Kevin Nazemi and Joshua Kushner.

Yes, brother of Jared Kushner, senior advisor to and son-in-law of President Trump, who delayed an emergency declaration regarding COVID-19, until Kushner 'talks to relevant parties and presents his findings to the president.'

Could it be that those relevant parties included checking in with his brother's company Oscar Health Insurance to ensure they and their provider partners make an obscene amount of money from the outbreak of COVID-19?

Once again, the ineptitude and greed of the Trump administration is throwing our country into chaos and profiting off of its citizens, some of which have died as a result of the delay in available test kits.

Absolutely disgusting.






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Working on something regarding this for Tuesday, SoHughes so stay tuned...

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What about the delay by Pelosi in funding while working in Planned Parenthood into the Corona funding?

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That’s a vicious lie. Dang, you Trumpsters will believe anything, won’t you? Why don’t you fact-check that one, Sparky? You’ll find that your right-wing sources made it up!

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We are in the 9th Ring of the Inferno

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Tried to get a test for my husband in NY with a 103 fever and a cough, no go. It's disgusting and more people will get sick/die

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That's beyond terrible. I hope someone steps in to help you and your husband.

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Thanks, he recovered TG, he was lucky

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No, the article says, Trump says he dumped his stocks but there is no confirmation he did. Obama left a full CDC dept working and helping other countries, Trump took it all apart and fired everyone and he is the evil one.

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Only to undo Obama. Sick SOB he is.

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It is unclear how much is being charged for each test. We know the tests are not “free” although that is the answer that government officials have been told to answer. Insurance companies (after many meetings with the Trump force) are paying something (and YES they are waiving the co-pays....thus giving the angle to say the tests are “free”)......but what amount are insurance companies paying for each test kit (ie not including any testing, just the kit)? Follow the money. Eat the Rich.

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German scientists already developed a successful test for the SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2) virus. COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) is the sickness caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, just as AIDS is caused by the HIV virus.

Even though there was was a successful test being sent to dozens of countries, Trump refused to accept them, leaving the nation without a proactive approach to fighting the virus for over a month. Why?]

In the meantime, he repeatedly downplayed the seriousness of the situation and put an inexperienced Mike Pense as head of the COVID-19 response. Finally, he politicized it by claiming that the virus is the Democrats' "new hoax," to hurt him and his administration.

Everything about the US response is a model in what not to do.

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From what I’ve read, know one knows specifically WHY he refused those tests. He is so used to everyone getting him out of his crimes and he surrounds himself with people willing to die for him (loyalty)that he just assumed someone would get him off for this one too. It finally back fired. Hopefully this will be the key to get him out. He might have just crossed over the 5th ave. thing. Crossing fingers.

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Not surprising. He is not motivated to do anything unless there is a dollar to be made. His wretched behaviors or absolutely despicable and still these trumper's think he is appointed by God to ruin this country.

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I am in no way a Trump supporter (rather, a scientist), but it seems pretty normal to be invested in one of the major suppliers of scientific reagents, equipment, etc. just by nature of investing in a large number of profitable companies. Thermo Fisher is huge.

But whether or not previously holding (substantial ?) stock in the company is suspect, I would agree it is definitely a potential conflict of interest if he or he relatives are standing to profit from this, especially if federal regulations impeded the ability of other companies/labs/etc. to conduct their own research on test development.

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I think he’s too stupid to know he has stock in this company.

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I hope he’s tried and convicted of murder. I also think presidents should be thrown out of office the don’t divest their interests. And definitely get rid of their stock. I have heard the story of his investment in suppliers and I have also heard it’s possible because it’s a huge umbrella of stuff, but I try not to stir up fake news (remember when we never heard that phrase? And it’s not even a very descriptive phrase-3rd grade), this world has been turned upside down because of all the lying and misinformation. Hang in there.

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Any potential whistleblowers in the investor relations department at TMO, or their 3rd party stock transfer agents?

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Wow, you could have a real field day if you ever investigated your fellow democrats/leftists! We know you will not...but, we have.

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Thank you for confirming that this information is getting into the hands of people who normally tune out bad Trump news-I appreciate it!

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Clearly and intentionally missed the point. Leftist tactic.

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Sure you have. You and your fellow Republicans have spent nearly $100 million taxpayer dollars investigating the Clintons. You, Chaffetz, and Gowdy all huffed and puffed and still never even got a smell of Hillary's tuchus. I know you will get my point.

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The main problem with a whataboutism and pointing to as yet unmentioned crimes of others.... Is that in the process of saying this, of saying others are equally guilty in your eyes... well you've issued a defacto acceptence the President of the US and the current 'regime' (which is as nice a word I can use) , are on the take, at the expense of the lives of US citizens. You are accepting you're own government have a financial benefit from dead Americans by pointing out others are 'also guilty'.

Too late to retract that now too... We can all see you think it's okay to do wrong if the 'other side' also do wrong!

Now while I accept politicians of all stripes are guilty of corruption. Mostly because they are and always have been. Well, a new level of corruption would be a situation where it pays those in charge personally, and financially to sow panic in the midst of a killer pandemic and profit from death in their own nation.

I can't even think of a word for that ... Treason perhaps? Genocide?

You good with that? Your own government pocketing money that increases with the death rate?

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Yes I am sure dems are dirty in other things . But Trump is supposed to drain the swamp, he has become the swamp. Swamp man!!

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A bullet to the head. Make him a resident. We all get the covid. He should get a bullet to the head.

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Name one Dem who HASN'T disclosed! Or just keep believing your lying eyes, it's easier.

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Please....fill us in. Since you have "investigated" those Democrats/leftists....please tell us.

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Snopes has disproved this

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Snope's assessment is not completely accurate. We have no way to tell what assets are held in the trusts that Trump lists on his financials. They likely got a writer to review who does not know how to read the documents properly. I have notified them of this.

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Seriously.... Put yourself in trump and friends position. Access to all the information and happy to apply that to the stock market. They are doing exactly the same stuff you would and anyone with an ounce of sense would....grab the money as if it's toilet roll in the corner shop!

Yeah sure we don't know trumps actual stock profile...but I'd say you can guess... It's none of the ones that hit the floor!

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When Trump’s obsession with “the numbers” and his interest in his investments carry more weight than the lives of our citizens, that is immoral. No wonder he gets so cantankerous and vicious with certain journalists who do their jobs well. He knows they’re aware of his self-centered, self-serving actions. They’re not going to placate him with undeserved platitudes. He’s a B-rated, reality TV host charlatan who thinks airports existed during the Revolutionary War. And his petulant, acrimonious behavior is something that would get any one of us fired from our jobs so quickly our heads would spin. So why do any of us put up with his antics?! It makes zero sense!

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Sure buddy, trump would never do something like THIS!

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